Lashawn Cargo Jr. was born in Chicago, IL and spent most of his years raised in Aurora, Illinois. The love for the game of basketball came at an early age for him. LaShawn played basketball his whole high school career where he got the opportunity to play for Monmouth College. During this time, LaShawn and Jon Calhoun met on the basketball team and decided to start the Pain Is Temporary brand as a college mentoring organization. Pain Is Temporary was a mentoring organization that infused athletics as icebreakers to help field conversation to help the youth express everyday adversities. Through this time, he found that helping people through their adversities was his true gift. LaShawn Cargo graduated in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in Communications and Public Relations.

After graduation, Jon and LaShawn decided to start a business that infused mentoring with athletic training. The experience of being an athlete and education from life propelled the two of them to create a passionate environment for helping others and pursuing to help young athletes achieve their goal to make it to the next level in life.

“The Race is not given to the swift or nor to the strong, But to the one that endures, until the end.”