


Grind 4 Weight Development

Trainees will have the opportunity to focus on establishing an achievable balance of incorporating fat-burning exercises to help promote and increase metabolism. With a weight loss program, a lot of the trainee’s focus will be spent on keeping their bodies at a caloric deficit regimen, while still getting the proper nutrients in their diet to help complement their workouts.

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Grind 4 Body Mass & Muscle Growth

Trainees will have the opportunity to develop and grow mass by working with gradually increasing levels of force production through loaded weight. High levels of weight training will result in decreased time spent on aerobic activity. The concepts of overloading certain muscular systems will come into play as well to enhance muscular nucleogenesis. 

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Grind 4 Athlete’s Skills & Development

Trainees that are interested in this program will have the opportunity in increasing their performance via executing these different types of training: speed, agility, vertical, change of direction, court/field IQ, court/field proprioception, core/hip development, as well as mental toughness to help prepare for different gameplay scenarios.


Grind 4 Holistic Challenges

Trainees will have full access to a bundle of different challenges regarding their health. Although we focus a lot of our time on the fitness side of things, we also care about other healthy lifestyle habits that will promote an overall better day-to-day way of living. Clients will have access to a combination of weekly fitness challenges & monthly holistic challenges for a designated time period.


Grind 4 Online Training (Coming Soon)

Trainees will be able to enjoy either a 6-week online customized written course for their desired goals or can participate in online workouts led by our online instructor. Whether an individual is executing the 6-week online program or joining online training sessions, clients will be able to have the privilege of having access to a library full of exercises, guides, and nutrition-based templates to help compliment their fitness journeys remotely. 


“Working with Jon and The Pit Grind has been phenomenal. It’s high intensity training with non stop energy all within a comfortable and friendly space. I love it, in just a few weeks I’ve already noticed some major gains. I’d recommend Jon and The Pit Grind to anyone.”

— Rasshan Surels