Born and raised in Blue Island, Illinois, Nike was raised in a single parent house hold, middle child to Mara Mailey. Nike attended Monmouth College and was a member of the Women’s basketball team. During her four years at Monmouth she had to overcome a lot of adversity with tearing her ACL her freshmen year rehabbing a full year just to come back her sophomore season and tear her other ACL in game early on in the season. In a way it was a blessing and gave her the opportunity to study the game and develop a passion for coaching. She was blessed to be apart of history with the Women’s team winning their first conference championship in school history, breaking school records, being nationally ranked and having our first birth into the NCAA tournament. Nike then graduated from Monmouth with a degree in Kinesiology & Exercise Science. Upon graduation she took a job as an assistant coach at Sarah Goode High School, two years later she was prompted to head coach. After one year she went on to take a collegiate coaching position at the Illinois Institute of Technology as an assistant coach where she has been for the past three years. Nike is also a physical education teacher at Horizon Science Academy where she teaches K-5 PE and 6-7th grade health. About three years ago Nike started her fitness journey with trainer Jon Calhoun, in her first year she lost a total of 40lbs. Nike fell in love with fitness and it stopped being just working out but more of a way of life. PIT has become family. 

“Through adversity to the stars.”